It’s been a busy month. Very glad that we all were successful in ensuring Cllr Penny Newman represents Newington for Labour at Ramsgate Town Council. We held a very successful meeting at the Oddfellows Hall on 9th July this was to raise awareness of the Women against state pension inequality. ( WASPI ) We had […]
Category: General

Karen Constantine: District Councillor’s Report, June 2016
Fund raising efforts – pie and pint We raised a staggering £670 and then had a further donation from Unison of £370. And a £60 donation given to me at a Momentum film night. I’m planning another fund raiser to support Penny’s campaign. I feel it’s important that we keep up our own morale and […]
Pie and a Pint evening – Thank you
Chris and I were delighted to hold a pie and a pint fundraiser on Saturday night (11th June). We were thrilled that so many people took the time to come along and absolutely staggered at everyone’s generosity. It was great for us to meet new people but also heartening to see people meeting Facebook friends! […]
Talking Newington, Thanet and Europe on Academy FM
Here I am being interviewed by Doc Atherton on Thanet’s local radio station, Academy FM. It was an hour long lively and wide ranging interview. I spoke about the role of district councillors and the care that should be taken when selecting candidates. We do need good committed ethical councillors to serve our local communities, they deserve no […]

David Green, a team player for Newington
I was, as you can imagine, throughly miserable when I lost the election in 2015 to UKIP’s Vince Munday. Even on polling day, he didn’t turn up at all. I knew then that his heart just wasn’t in it. It was no surprise when he resigned and a by-election was called. It was my good fortune […]
Karen Constantine: District Councillor’s Report, April 2016
Case work There are a growing numbers of enquires coming through. I make calls & emails on a daily basis and, whilst having a busy day job, I can easily ‘factor’ these in. My phone number and email are ‘out there’. So far, I have had rubbish removed for people (very simple and straightforward and TDC very helpful). There […]
Karen Constantine: Trade Union Liaison Officer report 2015-16
I greatly enjoyed my year as South Thanet TULO officer, to be able to support our great PPC candidate Will Scobie throughout the general election was a privilege and an experience not easily topped and never to be forgotten. I have completed a handover to the new TULO officers, Stuart McCann for South Thanet, also […]

The Fabian view from Thanet
The Fabian Society is Britain’s oldest political think tank. Founded in 1884, the Society has and continues to be at the forefront of developing political ideas and public policy on the left. In 2015 Thanet Fabians was launched to provide a forum for local debate. In March this year I was invited to write a piece for the national […]
A letter to Craig Mackinlay: South Thanet Employment Charter
20th December 2015. South Thanet Employment Charter. Dear Craig, Thank you for taking the time to meet with South Thanet Labour Party representatives on Saturday 12th December. As you will no doubt recall we had wide-ranging discussion. Whilst realistically we didn’t expect agreement on all points raised, you challenged us on the issue of what […]