As a successful campaigner for safer communities, employment rights and the NHS, Karen believes in fairness for all and in protecting the services that should be there for you and your family.
From street lights to schools, housing to health care, District Councillor Karen is successful in helping people deal with a wide range of issues. As your County Councillor she can have more impact on the things that matter to you.
Investment and regeneration are key for Ramsgate’s success. Karen has the skills and experience to get the best for our town.
Ramsgate deserves a fair deal. As your County Councillor I will be a powerful voice for the town and all those who live and work here.

Karen Constantine & Raushan Ara
Your Candidates for Kent County Council
- We will put Ramsgate first.
- We will insist on investment in Ramsgate to benefit the people of Ramsgate.
- We will be a powerful voice for you and Ramsgate at County Hall.
- We are committed and hard working and will always be available to you.
- We will be campaigning councillors working to get improvements on your behalf.
Karen Constantine believes Ramsgate deserves a better deal
I’m passionate about fairness. I believe Ramsgate is being left behind. With some vision and hard work it could be, and should be, a vibrant community full of opportunities for all who live, work and visit here.
Our local economy is fundamentally important. Without a robust forward looking economy our corner of Kent will continue to flounder. Ramsgate’s young people will have little to look forward to If we don’t plan for the future. It is essential that we develop a strong local economic plan and hold Kent County Council (and the Conservative Government) to account for failing to provide the investment, support and the clarity of vision that we urgently need. As your elected county councillor for Ramsgate, I will diligently scrutinise and challenge Kent County Council decisions with the aim of closing the gap between ‘left behind’ Ramsgate and the rest of the prosperous South East.
Thanet workers earn the least wages in Kent. On average, a worker here earns almost five grand less than elsewhere in the county. Also, our local jobs are often temporary or seasonal and zero hours contracts are far too common. It’s difficult to build a decent life without the opportunity to earn decent money.
I will fight to attract the right sort of companies to invest here. Ramsgate needs green and carbon-free technologies, not polluting businesses. We should also develop our full potential as a tourist and leisure destination. Small businesses are extremely important too and I’ll be seeking genuine support for local start-ups.
We need much more action on housing, better provisions for our young people, increased social care services and support for older residents and others that need help. Ramsgate is a truly fantastic place. But poverty, low pay and lack of investment hold the town back. My role at county council will be as a strong voice for Ramsgate, fighting for a fairer deal.