Throughout each month I am posting links to media coverage where I have had active involvement in the story or have provided comment and a Labour Party perspective. As an elected County and District councillor I am often asked to provide local input on national stories and the socialist perspective on local issues.
This page will be updated throughout the month.
Thanet’s mental health crisis brought to light by tragedy
This story in The Isle of Thanet News and a subsequent deluge of personal tales from across the Isle has highlighted a seemingly shocking level of mental health service provision in Thanet.
Having initially provided comment for the piece, I then made many enquiries and invited locals to share their personal experiences. What I heard prompted me to set up a petition calling for a clear plan of action to radically improve access to Thanet’s mental health services for local residents.
The combined outrage has prompted NHS action to investigate Ben Stone’s case and I am pushing for a meeting with health bosses and local MP, Craig Mackinlay to seek assurances that a plan will be put in place that allows the delivery of mental health services to those who require them when they require them. Read about this in The Isle of Thanet News.
On June 21 the Thanet Gazette also covered the story and the number of people who have already signed the petition.

RiverOak airport noise compensation plans
When the details of RiverOak’s plans for soundproofing compensation became known there was a lot of noise from locals. This story in Kent Online shows how the developers hope to avoid paying out to those who live under the Mansion flight paths. I and many others are campaigning for compensation criteria to be set at levels equivalent to other UK airports.
Read the full story here.
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