As a member of Kent & Medway Fire and Rescue Authority, I am very pleased to see Ramsgate Fire Station open in it’s new location with state of the art facilities. On 5th February I was with the Service as a guest to witness their new base in Ramsgate and listen to how they intend to compliment their new local community.
Our Fire and Rescue staff are true professionals dedicated to public service. The team at the new Ramsgate station are friendly, approachable, and want to work with the wider community.
I understand people’s concerns about the new location, which is on Newington Road opposite St Lawrence-in-Thanet Junior Academy. We have worked with the school opposite to get traffic and parking issues discussed and have had several meetings with the Fire Service. I have been reassured that the decision on the location is a sound one. That in fact there aren’t too many emergency call outs, 2 per day on average. And even in the case of an emergency call out, great care for pedestrians and other road users is always taken.
Likewise we expect the children’s play area to be moved and, who knows, even improved! It’s a shame that it has to be moved at all, but let’s hold our new station and Fire and Rescue Service staff to their promise to be a an asset to the community.
Now the station is operational we’ll monitor those aspects that were of concern to locals.
Having been invited to the official opening, I have seen at first hand that the new building is a great design and the space will be available for community use. The fire station will also be used to train firefighters from across the country. Additionally it plays home the British Red Cross, with a team of volunteers based at the station.
The relocation leaves behind a building on Effingham Street in Ramsgate town centre. This spot has had a fire station for 113 years. The much loved and very ornate brass plaque has also made the journey to Newington Road and was a pleasure to see.
Ramsgate Town Council are to be the owners of the old building, which will soon be put to use as a community asset.