The Summer Kitchen has been a fantastic project to be involved in over recent months. I take my hat off to Sharon Goodyer who heads up Thanet’s community kitchen scheme. She was explaining her plans for providing affordable meals to Thanet families to me over two years ago. I thought then what a good idea, but she has driven this powerfully into a reality. The Summer Kitchen initiative will continue to grow. With Sharon at the helm, how can it fail?
The reality for many families, is too many mouths to feed with too little cash. That’s where the Community Kitchen comes into its own. It’s open to everybody, all are more than welcome. In Newington’s St Christoper’s Church, where Steve Albon, Theresa Smith and myself ran the kitchen 3 times week, people have been able to either come and eat or to collect a take away. We’re planning to continue throughout the Autumn and Winter. With a ‘food link’ and hopefully at least once a week the opportunity to get a healthy hot meal, freshly cooked, served to order!
In the meantime Sharon’s other location at Drapers Mills School will revert to serving meals to the primary school children who return to the site after a glorious summer break. In all over 1,600 meals have been served and a considerable amount of community spirit enjoyed. Many local organisations have pitched in to provide fresh ingredients, including Thanet Earth. I joined Sharon and my Kent County Council colleague, Barry Lewis at the massive greenhouse complex to accept a consignment of tasty produce the other day. These were put to good use in the community kitchen.
As well as TV coverage and articles in the national press, Sharon’s Summer Kitchen has been featured in The Isle of Thanet News. It’s wonderful to see something as positive as this making so many headlines in Thanet and beyond.