Low wage rates and low job opportunities are a perfect storm for the women of Thanet says Labour Party candidate The Labour Party in Thanet are calling for the participation levels in the local labour market to be bolstered to those of surrounding areas in Kent and the South East. Employment rates in Thanet are 72.5%, […]
Author: admin
£24,150 Average earnings for full time workers in Thanet is bottom of the Kent pay league new official survey shows:
Thanet’s economy needs to be thoroughly regenerated to bring to the area new well paid jobs that are part of the economy in London and other areas of the country says Labour Party candidate. The median average pay for full-time workers resident in Thanet is £24,150 according to the new Annual Survey of Hours and […]

The environmental and economic threat from Brett Aggregates
Myself and Raushan Rahman both work and live very close to the Ramsgate Port. We are passionate about Ramsgate, about preserving its unique heritage and safeguarding against any potential or actual negative impact on the local environment. Here we have put some facts together which support our argument against the planning application to Kent County Council by […]

Letters opposing the Brett application for aggregate washing in the Port of Ramsgate
Brett’s have recently applied to Kent County Council (KCC) for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development (CLOPUD) for the erection of a sand and gravel washing plant in the Port of Ramsgate. As a local resident and councillor, I am extremely concerned about the detrimental impact the proposal could have on the nearby […]

Rape and Sexual Assault – an open letter to Craig Mackinlay (with response)
I have always been concerned about sexual assault and rape. We all know that this hinious crime is very difficult to deal with. It affects not just women, but men too. The recent Ched Evans case bought home the ‘proof’ issue. A recent freedom of information request highlighted the shocking figure of 67 reports of sexual assault […]

Karen Constantine: District Councillor’s Report, September 2016
September seemed to pass in a blur! There is a steady amount of casework, mainly this is people seeking help with housing issues. This month it’s been pleas for help with ‘rebanding’. Young families that need more space. It turns out that their is little I can do as a Cllr to assist. The only […]

Homelessness: We were invisible to people
To highlight the plight of an increasing number of rough sleepers in Thanet and draw attention to the need for affordable housing, I helped organise a ‘sleep out’ with my Labour comrades. The event, if you could call it that, was an experience for all of us and made us appreciate the work of homelessness […]

Karen Constantine: District Councillor’s Report, August 2016
The homelessness and housing crisis continues, with families and usually single men contacting me on a weekly basis for help and support. Some of these individuals cases are taking a long time to resolve. A small group of Irish Travellers/Romany Gypsies were camped out near to the Tesco store on Manston road. I went to […]

Karen Constantine: District Councillor’s Report, July 2016
It’s been a busy month. Very glad that we all were successful in ensuring Cllr Penny Newman represents Newington for Labour at Ramsgate Town Council. We held a very successful meeting at the Oddfellows Hall on 9th July this was to raise awareness of the Women against state pension inequality. ( WASPI ) We had […]

WASPI gain support from Thanet District Council
This story first appeared on Kent Live on 19th July 2016. WASPI, the Women Against State Pension Inequality Campaign, attended a council meeting at Thanet District Council on Thursday, July 14.This was a turning point for WASPI, who unanimously gained the Council’s support in lobbying the Government. Their ultimate aim is to “achieve fair transitional […]