After Theresa May was forced to seek support at Westminster from The Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland (DUP), much attention has been focussed on the policies of these Tory allies. So shocking and backward are some of their aims, that I have called on our re-elected representative to oppose the coalition on behalf of […]
Category: Opinion
Reviving the Revival – persistence pays off, they say.
Today. A lesson in persistence. I’ve been helping a family with accommodation. They have been stuck for months now! I helped out a resident with disabled car parking space request. Then, dealing with the Pleasurama hoardings saga – how many times have I written to Councillors Wells, Shonk and Heale since October? Are the hoardings on the […]
National Health Shambles. Enough is enough!
It’s clear that our NHS is in crisis. A crisis of funding. A crisis of leadership. There are currently 18,000 people on trolleys waiting for emergency care. Four in ten A and E departments are operating at dangerous levels. Delayed discharges have reached a record high of 200,000. As a country we are spending 30% less […]
Thanet’s housing nightmare
The local housing bill may be seen as a step in the right direction by some. Like many pieces of legislation it will have some positive and some negative impact. I became a councillor for the Newington Ward of Ramsgate some nine months ago. I’m very proud to have been elected by the residents and […]
The environmental and economic threat from Brett Aggregates
Myself and Raushan Rahman both work and live very close to the Ramsgate Port. We are passionate about Ramsgate, about preserving its unique heritage and safeguarding against any potential or actual negative impact on the local environment. Here we have put some facts together which support our argument against the planning application to Kent County Council by […]
Letters opposing the Brett application for aggregate washing in the Port of Ramsgate
Brett’s have recently applied to Kent County Council (KCC) for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development (CLOPUD) for the erection of a sand and gravel washing plant in the Port of Ramsgate. As a local resident and councillor, I am extremely concerned about the detrimental impact the proposal could have on the nearby […]
Rape and Sexual Assault – an open letter to Craig Mackinlay (with response)
I have always been concerned about sexual assault and rape. We all know that this hinious crime is very difficult to deal with. It affects not just women, but men too. The recent Ched Evans case bought home the ‘proof’ issue. A recent freedom of information request highlighted the shocking figure of 67 reports of sexual assault […]
Baby Mabel, a teacher’s tale
I’m sorry to bring this situation to your attention. I’ve been around a bit and seen a fair amount in my life, but I was shocked and horrified into sharing this story which was told to me first hand by a teacher. A young boy of 6 years old went to primary school. It was […]
My thoughts on Manston
Originally posted on social media. It’s time for some fresh thinking. Stencil Park (SHP) offers a genuine opportunity to generate long term prosperity & economic growth in Thanet. It could give Ramsgate a real boost & in particular could provide decent work & careers for our younger residents. Much needed in the present malaise. Ramsgate […]
So what has the EU ever done for us?
So what has the EU ever done for us? – Employment Rights version. Anti – EU headbangers call it ‘red tape’ – I call it protection at work. Workers across the UK have received employment protection via;