Today. A lesson in persistence.
I’ve been helping a family with accommodation. They have been stuck for months now!
I helped out a resident with disabled car parking space request.
Then, dealing with the Pleasurama hoardings saga – how many times have I written to Councillors Wells, Shonk and Heale since October? Are the hoardings on the public highway? If so can we have that space back, guv, as part of the public amenity, guv? It’s not a complicated issue. Our UKIP councillors are doing a great job of not answering questions. I have escalated this now.
But really – I’ve had to ask and ask, and ask again, and I’m a councillor, I wonder how well others do at getting straightforward answers? I remember the date I started this as it was our wedding anniversary in October. Long suffering Mr Constantine.
The thing here is, that from time to time you can get away with obscuring a question – you can kick it into the long grass. But not always! We need proper answers. If the hoardings are on public land move them back and at least let Ramsgate folk and possibly businesses have some benefit of that land (beach huts anyone?).
I’ve been dealing with why we can’t have Sprint revival back. I’m wondering how accurate the information back to me is. I will get to the bottom of it. What a terrible shame to lose this. I’ve been told the organisers now have no intention of a re-launch of this event for 2017, but that there is interest in 2018 – dependant on the state of the Port operations! I’m sure the organisers would have liked the opportunity to do this event this year.
I’ve not heard of any concrete (forgive the pun) proposals for the port for this year yet – let alone next year. Sprint Revival will certainly need to plan ahead with confidence. I wouldn’t be surprised if we lose this fantastic event completely. Our great loss and it will be another area’s great gain.
A very great shame and missed opportunity to the local economy not to have planned ahead flexibly on this one.
In the meantime, I remain concerned about the ‘super council’. Do local people really not want consultation on this? Last but not least – I’ve been chasing our MP, Craig Mackinlay. Not literally. We have some serious questions requiring urgent answers on sexual assaults and rapes in our towns, proving impossible to nail down an answer. I’ve escalated this to the Police and Crime Commission.
Having to be persistent seems to be a theme!
I’m sure there must be a saying about persistence – please send them to me as I need inspiration.
Best one gets a prize!
This post originally appeared on Facebook.