I reminded KCC we’ve been dealing with a cost of living crisis in Thanet for some years now, which hits the vulnerable most hard. Watch the video.
Category: General

Manston. Ok, this is a lengthy read.
RSP have been granted permission to develop an air cargo hub at Manston. I have been seeking answers from the man at the top, Tony Freudmann.

Sharing my 2022 goals with Thanet
Setting out my ambitions for Ramsgate in 2022. A conversation with Paul Rutterford on local radio station, Academy FM.

Cost of Living Crisis hitting home
There is no doubt that there is a cost of living crisis, most of us are feeling the pinch! Government should act. Hear my Radio Kent interview on the topic.

The Universal Credit sweepstake
Want to know what Kent Tories really think about people struggling with the Universal Credit benefit cut? Watch ‘the universal credit sweepstake’.

We’re feeling raw about sewage
We’re swimming in raw sewage. It’s time to bring the water companies into public ownership! This is a massive failure of privatisation.
What can be done to boost our patient – GP ratio?
I’m hearing about Ramsgate residents experiencing a lot of difficulties in getting in touch with a GP and getting appointments. Listen to this BBC interview.

After David Amess MP, culture and law has to change
What happened to Sir David Amess MP was utterly shocking and deplorable and leaves a set of questions that we need to grapple with.

Cherry trees and grass roots activism
Our community scored a big and hopefully significant success in the last few days saving a beautiful, mature, tree from the chop. The magnificent cherry tree was earmarked for felling.

Appropriate TDC traveller support required now
The situation for the travellers at Ramsgate Port is getting worse. It has been six weeks since Magistrates required Thanet District Council (TDC) to offer the travellers a site with ‘provisions’ to meet their immediate health needs. This offer was ordered to help to protect the fragile health of a number of people. You’ll understand […]